Well-Known Member
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
RE -- This phrase, above, is the phrase which struck me most from Viktor Frankl's book. It was a revolutionary thought for in my early 20's (when I first read the book) and it's GLADLY still a revolutionary thought for me in my 50's. May it always remain a revolutionary thought for me! The visual I remember from his description of memories was him talking about others starving in the concentration camp, yet choosing to offer compassion to others and offering their last piece of bread to another with a genuine smile. Now that's an advanced soul, in my eyes.
TerryJ2 --- Interesting about the word "happy". Luck or chance? I think it's more choice. But, hey, luck, chance, choice.....I'll take 'em all! I wonder how many words take on significant connotative difference from their denotations? Interesting, interesting.... Hey, TerryJ2, I just looked at your mini-bio, above. I am an artist/writer as well. Not by profession currently (although I have been a professional artist in the past). What kinds of art and writing are you most drawn to?