Well difficult child's two and a half days of suspension are over! :whew: We started early at 7:00 this morning so we were able to end early.
I'm exhausted! As I mentioned in another post I'm more tired from teaching him the past two days then if I had been teaching my class at school. It's because he truly requires one on one for everything. Also it is almost impossible for him to focus and I saw him trying. We did math, science, social studies, writing, and reading the past two days. In addition I had him help with some household chores. At one point today we both fell asleep for about 1/2 hour. I didn't make him make that time up as I figure he must have needed the sleep.
All of this makes me even more worried academically for him than I already was. He finishes his testing with the nuero psychologist on Monday and then two weeks later we meet to go over the results. Should be interesting.
Think I'll try to squeeze in another quick nap!
I'm exhausted! As I mentioned in another post I'm more tired from teaching him the past two days then if I had been teaching my class at school. It's because he truly requires one on one for everything. Also it is almost impossible for him to focus and I saw him trying. We did math, science, social studies, writing, and reading the past two days. In addition I had him help with some household chores. At one point today we both fell asleep for about 1/2 hour. I didn't make him make that time up as I figure he must have needed the sleep.
All of this makes me even more worried academically for him than I already was. He finishes his testing with the nuero psychologist on Monday and then two weeks later we meet to go over the results. Should be interesting.
Think I'll try to squeeze in another quick nap!