pigless in VA
Well-Known Member
It is now March. I spoke with the Cactus Queen over the week-end. I asked a lot of questions but received few answers. Dad had some memory testing done sometime in February. I asked about the results. CQ told me that according to my Dad's internist, he his "perfectly fine to drive." I asked about further results of the memory testing. Oh, she didn't ask about that. Did she get a copy of the written results? No, she didn't ask for that. I asked if Dad had the driving evaluation done at the specific local hospital as we all agreed he should. No. I reminded her that Sally had said she made an appointment. "Oh, I cancelled that!" (delivered with a smirk, no doubt.)
Basically, she lied to me about taking Dad for the driving evaluation which was recommended by the neurologist. The neuro has told her in no uncertain terms that she needs to seek another doctor. He no longer wants to help them. I am quite sure that is related to her calling him up and reaming him out for talking to me on the phone (when I was on the HIPPA form) and also because he believed that Dad should have his driving evaluated.
CQ is not rational. She scares me. One minute in a conversation with her, she is whining about my dad having bowel control issues. (Has she even read that this is what happens to Alzheimer's patients?) The next she is telling me that he is asking relevant questions about their tax return.
I have decided to pay my dad a visit to see if I can ferret out where he is with regards to his cognitive abilities. Ask my own questions of him like "What is your address? What is your father's name? What does a stop sign look like?" Part of me wants to ditch all this drama and allow CQ to deal with the fallout of whatever accident may befall my dad. The other more rational and responsible part of me wants to file the DMV report and let them handle it. I know if I do that, that I risk having any contact with my siblings again. CQ is ruthless, lies, and extremely vindictive. She told me several times that Dad would not pass the DMV test. Ferb says, "If he can't pass the test, he shouldn't be driving." D'oh!
But what will her revenge look like? She is irrational and unwilling to give up her chauffeur.
Basically, she lied to me about taking Dad for the driving evaluation which was recommended by the neurologist. The neuro has told her in no uncertain terms that she needs to seek another doctor. He no longer wants to help them. I am quite sure that is related to her calling him up and reaming him out for talking to me on the phone (when I was on the HIPPA form) and also because he believed that Dad should have his driving evaluated.
CQ is not rational. She scares me. One minute in a conversation with her, she is whining about my dad having bowel control issues. (Has she even read that this is what happens to Alzheimer's patients?) The next she is telling me that he is asking relevant questions about their tax return.
I have decided to pay my dad a visit to see if I can ferret out where he is with regards to his cognitive abilities. Ask my own questions of him like "What is your address? What is your father's name? What does a stop sign look like?" Part of me wants to ditch all this drama and allow CQ to deal with the fallout of whatever accident may befall my dad. The other more rational and responsible part of me wants to file the DMV report and let them handle it. I know if I do that, that I risk having any contact with my siblings again. CQ is ruthless, lies, and extremely vindictive. She told me several times that Dad would not pass the DMV test. Ferb says, "If he can't pass the test, he shouldn't be driving." D'oh!
But what will her revenge look like? She is irrational and unwilling to give up her chauffeur.