Did anyone see the show this morning? She had a guest on there who had wrote an article about how she regretted having children and all that she had missed while raising them.
At first, was blown away and so very offended....until it dawned on me what she was really saying....
She didn't regret her children, in fact loved them very much. She just didn't see herself as maternal as compared to other moms out there, had a difficult time being a mom and sometimes wanted to turn back the clock in order to take advantage of the opportunities she had missed because she was a mom.
She also went on to say that society still de-values us as important people, in essence, looking down on us for the choices we make to be moms....
And I knew what she felt....because I have been there.....I love my kids to death, would do anything for them....even gfgd....but there have been times when it's all too much and I want the "simplicity" of being childless...until sanity kicks my
and I remember what I would have missed being a mom....go figure, in the midst of all the crap I can still see the silver lining :smile:
At first, was blown away and so very offended....until it dawned on me what she was really saying....
She didn't regret her children, in fact loved them very much. She just didn't see herself as maternal as compared to other moms out there, had a difficult time being a mom and sometimes wanted to turn back the clock in order to take advantage of the opportunities she had missed because she was a mom.
She also went on to say that society still de-values us as important people, in essence, looking down on us for the choices we make to be moms....
And I knew what she felt....because I have been there.....I love my kids to death, would do anything for them....even gfgd....but there have been times when it's all too much and I want the "simplicity" of being childless...until sanity kicks my
