This just warmed my heart...


Well-Known Member
Another happy post...I figure we need them thrown in here to give hope!

I can't even call her a difficult child anymore. Two and a half months - I am daring to accept that this is life now and I have stopped waiting for the other shoe to drop.

She was catching up on the days to be thankful on Facebook and here is what she posted:
day 1: Im thankful for my parents being so supportive, and having faith in me.

day 2: Im thankful for going to jail, I would have never changed if it wasnt for having Connor in the hospital and having to leave him and go back to jail.
crazy huh?

day 3: Im thankful for reconnecting with my babes. And him being so awesome.

day 4: Im thankful to be alive

day 5: Im thankful to wake up seeing his... face every morning.

day 6: Im thankful for knowing what true love finally is.

day 7: Im thankful for the friends I have that believe in me.

day 8: Im thankful for Ben for getting me a job

day 9: Im thankful to be free and get to spend time with my baby boy

day 10: Im thankful to have a job, so now I can support connor and give my parents a break. lol

day 11: Im thankful for all the veterans and everyone who has does and will serve our country. may god be with each and everyone of you.

day 12: Im thankful for knowing our higher power.

day 13: Im thankful to be able to go outside and breathe in the fresh air.

She is still dating the police officer but things have kind of gone downhill since they made their relationship "official". He is acting very insecure and that is a complete turnoff to her. I can't blame her - I am the same way. He really needs to chill out or they are not going to last.

She didn't get many hours at work this week and she was really bummed about that. Turns out there is a girl that lives with the manager that does the scheduling. This girl had a crush on difficult child's friend that got her the job. She made sure the guy got a bunch of hours and then scheduled difficult child for two nights ensuring her and the guy wouldn't work together. Well, the girl went on a dinner date with difficult child's friend and they found that they have nothing in common. Guy also told her that difficult child was a friend only and that he was not about all the drama that this girl was bringing. SO, hopefully that situation is resolved and she will get more hours next week. I told her to be the bigger person and to kill her with kindness. :)

Connor is just growing so much already. He is such a happy baby. He is always smiling, cooing and laughing. She is so lucky. We all are. This little man has brought so much joy, love and light into our lives. I am SO thankful for him. SO blessed. We all just love him so much.

I still have PTSD, though. If I have to go into the office and husband comes home before me, I swear I wait for the dreadful phone call from him complaining about what difficult child is doing. And then I come home and everyone is gathered in the living room smiling and laughing...I wonder if that feeling ever goes away...maybe someday... :)


Shooting from the Hip
Honey, the PTSD hasn't even gone away for me... And Belle isn't in my house at all... But I keep seeing those lovely pics of your difficult child and Connor... And OMG I am SO FREAKING HAPPY for you! She is beautiful (like her Mama)... Connor is nearly as awesome as my Rose (OK, I'm biased)... And you are so happy. This is what you deserve!


Active Member
Oh PG, while my difficult child doesn't have a drug or alcohol problem, you give me hope that she too will get her act together and be a responsble adult.


Well-Known Member
You have a strong daughter who was able to turn her life around and sees her mistakes. I am so happy for her, for you and for her son, your precious, beautiful grandchild. She sounds like she has really seen a change within her and I am very happy for all of you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone!!! :D

She went to an NA meeting last night. We have been having trouble finding outpatient and coming up with the money to pay for it (taking care of her and Connor has really drained us financially). Besides, she has already gone through the outpatient program and it did nothing at the time. SO, the courts and I came up with a compromise and she is to attend at least 2 NA meetings per week on her nights off and continue with weekly drug screening. She was really happy about this as she has been wanting to go to meetings anyway. The meeting we went to last night was at the same facility that I had her committed when she was 15. How odd to be back there again...but it was good - they have a nice waiting room area where I sat with Connor. :) One of her friends in recovery goes to meetings there so they saw eachother last night.

The relationship with the police officer is over, though. He was just too much. Too strong, too much, too fast. She is not ready for all of that right now. She has decided she needs to just focus on her and the baby at this time and not a relationship. We really liked him, but I have to agree with her. She just has too much going on right now between being with Connor, work and now meetings twice a week on her nights off. He would moan and complain that he didn't see her enough and it won't be getting any better. Better to end it now before it gets worse.

Thanks for putting up with my happy posts. You all truly understand the horrible journey it was to get to this place so you all truly understand the joy that I am feeling. I really, really pray for peace for all of you... <3 I wish we all knew what it would take for our difficult children to come out the other end..


Shooting from the Hip
Putting up with your happy posts? LOL girl! We love them! Keep 'em coming!

Re the officer, they can be pretty intense... But she needed that, to see that she could be happy with someone who isn't a user, and also, so she could see what her priorities really are. The dates were a good thing though!


Roll With It
It is completely and totally WONDERFUL to hear these happy posts!!! I am so glad that she is doing well and the courts were able to help tailor a program to fit her.

Hearing that the relationship with the cop is over is actually a great sign. Too much, too fast, too intense is a HUGE warning sign for a relationship that is not good and to hear that difficult child is ending it because of this is excellent. Learning to see and to listen to the red flags and that little voice that tells you something is wrong is not easy or fun, but it is an essential life skill. ESPECIALLY for a young mother. It is one way to find a relationship that is healthy for everyone involved. I hope he accepts her decision to end the relationship with grace.

Keep the positive posts coming!