
  1. S

    Pregnant daughter update, dealing with family judgement

    Hi everyone, I hope you're all starting the day with renewed strength. I wanted to update you on my 21-year-old daughter (L), who has a High Conflict Personality and is 26 weeks pregnant. When I first posted, my husband and I were overwhelmed and had to decide whether to take her in. Your...
  2. D

    Coping with addicted, homeless adult daughter

    I came across this website a couple of months ago when searching for how to cope with an addicted, homeless adult child. Reading your posts has helped me to realize I am not alone, and it has helped me to cope. Thank you to everyone who has posted. I had been reading Al Anon literature...
  3. Chloesmom

    Daughter homeless with Bipolar depression

    This is my first time posting a thread. My 21 yr old daughter has bipolar disorder and it’s been such a struggle. She moved out last December, was depressed then manic, was hospitalized, got the mania under control but she still made bad choices that got her evicted. We haven’t allowed her to...
  4. F

    Help! Fiance Continues to Enable Her Daughter

    I hope you can share some guidance and insight. My fiancé is enabling her daughter and it’s spilling into/affecting our relationship. Some background: We live together – have dated 4.5 years, both in our mid-50s, plan to get married in 3 months. She has 2 adult children (both early 20s)...
  5. S

    New need support

    Warning, this is gonna be long. Having a very hard day...after several very hard years. I've been lurking around this website for a while now, thankful to have found it about a week ago. Our 19 year old daughter is once again, home "visiting" after her stay downtown at the park (or possibly...
  6. Daddywayhaar

    Unattached children

    This is the first post I've done after reading many many others for help when my daughter up and left one day so please sorry but I'm sure this will be long winded. My wife and I have 6 kids two step four adopted. Of the adopted ones 3 are a sibling group (same birth father) and the youngest...
  7. More2Life

    Too tired to stress anymore.

    Hello everyone, I hope this isn't too long. I recently found this forum while searching for ways to deal with my "suspect borderline daughter". She fits every criteria for borderline and I was told when she was in her teens by a mental health worker that she showed signs way back then. She's...
  8. M

    Don't know what to do :(

    My daughter is 19 and has been stealing since she was 17. First it was stores then from me. I have to begin by explaining how this hurts and how deep the pain goes. Our house was broken into for over a year off and on i lost pretty much everything. I was diagnosed with ptsd. I went into a deep...
  9. T

    I hope they are wrong

    Hi, I have been reading the posts on here off and on for about a week, since I stumbled upon the site googling what the doctors. have said is my daughter's diagnosis. I just wanted to talk about it to someone. This may be lengthy, I am sorry in advance. Our daughter was always a difficult child...
  10. Sleepless_&_Distraught

    15 going on 16 "daughter" - Help!!

    Hi all... I am in a unique situation and am totally going through very similar emotions as others I've read on here, as a result of a soon to be 16-year old girl. When this girl was 8-years old, she was in my intervention class, although she was brilliant. At the time, we were on year-round...