
  1. amazeofgrace


    Ugh in the past two months, I have had Lithium thrown out on the table to me for difficult child II, 3 times. Today makes 4 times. Sigh............. I am on the fence on this one. I had an Uncle with BiPolar (BP), who died after the hospital over dosed him on Lithium, because they never bothered to check his levels...
  2. totoro

    I want to die....

    I was just getting them ready to go to the store and when I asked difficult child 1 to get dressed... she got a wierd look on her face and came over to me and said "I just want to die and go to heaven Mom" "I want to die, I don't want to be here anymore." I asked her what she was feeling in her head and she...
  3. JKF

    The Trileptal is working!

    easy child/difficult child has been on Trileptal for 3 weeks now bc the psychiatrist suspects he has a mood disorder and not ADHD. Everyone around him can see a clear difference in his demeanor lately since he started this medication. He seems.....happy. And he isn't arguing back nearly as much as he was. The focus and...
  4. J

    Suspended from school for the rest of the year. Problems, Problems, more problems.

    difficult child didn't like that the teacher sent her to in-house for the day for being disrespectful, so she had showed everyone, a fraction of what I get at home. They couldn't believe it, 5 school administrators, social workers and teachers couldn't redirect her. She cursed and screamed and tapped her...
  5. amazeofgrace

    difficult child II home

    difficult child II was released from in hospital today, despite the fact that he assaulted a nurse and an aide last night, and was put in confinement. Depsite the fact that the SW admitted his mood swings were "scarey". Despite the fact that the partial hsop appointment isnt until Monday. He is now home with me again...
  6. wakeupcall

    He's mauling me

    Please, what could be going on with my difficult child NOW? :confused1: He just goes from one thing to another it seems. First of all, he's 13 1/2, NOT five years old...he's mauling me to death. He incessantly hugs me HARD causing me to lose my footing. Kisses me HARD over and over and over. In the...
  7. TerryJ2

    difficult child on first day of lithium

    We've tried nearly everything else. I'll let you know how it works. One good bit of news: he finally got a pair of glasses, a step toward getting contacts. (He was all thumbs last yr.) He ranted and raved all the way to the mall, and once they were on his face and he looked around, he said...
  8. totoro

    Sad, bummed, help...

    I don't even want to post this. I am just so flustered. I don't think husband and I have ever sat up at night and talked so much than in the last couple of months. K started Lithium almost 3 months ago. Her levels are good. She is at 600mg. There are new studies showing great results with...
  9. Janna

    Well, I Think We're Going To Play With Some Drugs

    so if you guys could keep fingers crossed for me, I'd really appreciate it. Dylan! The Lithium is definately staying. He's still good at 900 mg., right around .90. We have been weighing the good vs. the bad on the Abilify. I am very uncomfortable continuing on with this medicine, for the...
  10. totoro

    psychiatrist Apt.

    Smallworld's comments on my Neuro-psychiatric thread made me want to post now about our psychiatrist apt yesterday. Our Neuro-psychiatric feels that K, once stable,she feels K is stable, could use a tiny bit of an ADHD medication. She feels of course that this is between us and our psychiatrist. She was highly recommended...
  11. rosebud71

    questions about medications???

    My son has been hospitalized for just over a week due to his manic episodes and violent behavior. Some of you have told me about trying mood stabilizers . I discussed his medications with his social worker this morning and she told me that seroquel is used for both antipsychotic and a mood stabilizer...
  12. C

    Bipolar Episode

    What do you do when you know you have had a manic episode and your crashing???
  13. E

    difficult child's that over-exaggerate physical/medical complaints

    Does anyone else have a difficult child that over-exaggerates medical complaints? Goes to the nurses office beyond frequently? That almost daily has at least one physical complaint? That will even resort to slightly injuring themselves so that they can go see the nurse (since that's been thwarted with...
  14. M

    Quick update

    Hello Warrior Family :happy: I haven't been around much because I've been busy with family sessions, doctors calls, nurses reports, etc but I wanted to update you all on my difficult child's progress. He was released on Thursday because his violent outburst stopped after they took him off of the...
  15. B

    Any Suggestions

    So many of you were very supportive last week with my post of can't stop crying. I thought I would ask you guys if you have any thoughts of what I might want to ask the psychiatrist tomorrow. We have been doing this for 3 years and I think I have read EVERY book and googled mood disorder and or...
  16. Janna

    Tell Me About Lamictal, Please

    because, I've heard several things. I suppose I could read the website, but I'd rather get it from people with experience. I heard, initially, it was great for both BiPolar (BP) mania and depression. Then, I heard (God knows where) it doesn't do much for mania, mostly depression. So, I'm wondering...
  17. totoro

    Lamictal ? Since No doctor will call back!!! UPDATE!!

    OK, week 3 of no-one returning a call!!! So nice. Anyway, K is up to 37.5mg of Lamictal once a day in the a.m. she is also taking 2.5mg Abilify bid. She has been severely depressed, more than ever before, sitting in the a.m. and just staring out the window, "no-one likes me", "I am the worst...
  18. 3

    Metadate questions?

    so here we go again.... Since September it's been (in addition to Lithium) Wellbutrin - didn't work, Concerta - didn't work and took away appetite, Seroquel - made him aggressive (but stopped the bedwetting), Adderal - put him on hyper warp speed, did nothing positive (bedwetting back again)...
  19. S

    Moving over from Early Childhood Zone

    Below is my original post, and after advice from some of the more experienced posters', I'm re-posting here. Just to update the below, the daughter was returned home by the bio mother's boyfriend. When the boyfriend was questioned about what precisely had caused them to decide to "dump" the...
  20. Hanging-On

    Thoughts please...Dr took difficult child off most of his medications

    Our new Psychiatrist took difficult child off of everything but the following: 7.5mg Abilify - AM 7.5mg Abilify - PM .05mg Clonidine - PM The psychiatric didn't like difficult child on depakote and lithium due to the possible damage it can cause. He thought the trazadone (50% in the am, and 50% at night was weird). So...