Mom? What's a difficult child?
I was just getting them ready to go to the store and when I asked difficult child 1 to get dressed... she got a wierd look on her face and came over to me and said "I just want to die and go to heaven Mom" "I want to die, I don't want to be here anymore." I asked her what she was feeling in her head and she said she didn't know, she just wanted to die, she didn't want to be herself anymore... She said she was sorry but she needed to die and go to heaven. :sad: I was able to tell her that I needed her and I wanted her to stay and I wanted her to stay herself. She finally calmed a bit, she is up and down all over the place right now...
I talked to her psychiatrist... so emotionless. She wants to increase her Abilify to 5mg... continue the Buspar until we see her on the 18th...
I said and discuss our NEXT step then... ie; Mood Stabilizer!!! If that does not get discussed and started on the 18th I am going to be one unhappy Mommy!!! :grrr:
I hate this my poor little girl... she is 5 for crying out loud! I am going to get her out of the house for a bit look for a present for husband.... :sad:
I talked to her psychiatrist... so emotionless. She wants to increase her Abilify to 5mg... continue the Buspar until we see her on the 18th...
I said and discuss our NEXT step then... ie; Mood Stabilizer!!! If that does not get discussed and started on the 18th I am going to be one unhappy Mommy!!! :grrr:
I hate this my poor little girl... she is 5 for crying out loud! I am going to get her out of the house for a bit look for a present for husband.... :sad: