
  1. D

    Should we kick our 16 yr old son out?

    Our son has given us trouble for years. The hardest part is when he's not in trouble, he's the sweetest, most charming and lovable kid. But he's headed down the wrong road. He's a junior in hs, been suspended 4 times since freshman year...from everything from computer tampering (disabled the...
  2. C

    Hospital again

    My 11 years old aspie attacked his 17 years old sister and used a kitchen knife to damage dining table and threatened to stab himself. I called 911 and had them bring him to the hospital. After waiting 4 hours here, without even seeing the resident psychiatrist, thru the social worker, the...
  3. Ellenm0m

    diagnosis changed from ADHD to Asperger's - FRUSTRATED!

    My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6 and we have been "trying" new prescriptions on him since...last November he suddenly turned very violent and angry. Finally coming to a head when he tried to set his bedroom on fire after getting in a fight at school and being brought home by the...
  4. K

    I am really scared for difficult child

    I saw therapist yesterday per his request. I saw him two weeks ago also and he told me both times difficult child has such severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and ADHD that the biggest challenge is getting him to survive. I asked him specifically yesterday if he was saying difficult child is going to die. He said getting him to survive until 18...
  5. TiredSoul

    Day 15 on Intuniv - HELP PLEASE

    Today is day 15 on 1 mg Intuniv. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to 2 mg. Tonight difficult child is so completely out of control. He is belligerent, combative, quarrelsome, antagonistic, contentious!!! He is annoying everyone! He is in all of our faces. He is acting like a crazed maniac. Looking back...
  6. TerryJ2

    difficult child trying Imiprimene

    Hi all, we visited the psychiatrist today. We are trying Imiprimene, which I'd wanted b4 we wasted our time (and difficult child's health) on Prozac and Zoloft, but you know how you have to jump through hoops. I hope this works. We have to do a blood draw in 6 wks. It also helps with-bedwetting and is...
  7. Big Bad Kitty

    medication question and Tink update

    SO, Tink now has a formal diagnosis of bipolar and ADHD. For a couple years, all prior to her first psychiatric hospital visit, she was on Abilify. DUring those years we have trialled Metadate (made her cry), Focalin (made her violent), Tenex (made her sleepy), Prozac (turned her into her own evil twin). She was on...
  8. P

    cognitive inflexibility--HELP!

    I'm looking for some help here on how to help difficult child 2 who seems to get very stuck on one way of thinking or in some emotion. When he had his neuropsychologist testing done the tester obseved that he had the highest number of attempts she had ever seen on this one test (moving pegs?)--he persevered...
  9. Janna

    ADHD medication Advice

    Well, we have an appointment with the Partial psychiatrist Friday for Dyl. I haven't kept up to date on all the newest, latest, greatest medications out there for ADHD symptoms - and I'm just lookin' to see if anyone knows anything new or has had luck with something after trying others and having none LOL! Dylan...
  10. L

    Alone & Lost in the chaos

    I honestly don't think I have ever felt so lost and adrift. My older children all had their own issues but NOTHING like this. My 7yr old daughter was a easy child until she started kindergarten....then it was as if the entire world exploded. She began fighting bedtime, fighting school, fighting me...
  11. somerset

    Need advice and opinions - psychiatrist just added adderall

    I talked to the psychiatrist just now about how difficult child is still really depressed. She's not going to school, is in bed all day, feels nothing is worth doing, doesn't see friends, etc. She's been on Celexa for 6 weeks and it hasn't been helping at all. She's been on 20mg. He said we should try 30mg. He...
  12. P

    Son on drug prozac!

    My son is 8 years old and needs help. I dont know where to start. What started with focus issues at school has become more of a behavior problem. At first I was against medicating but the school complained that he was being rude and disruptive. So I caved. Since then he has mostly been on...
  13. forkeeps251

    ADHD to autism...?

    First some quick background: difficult child is 7, speech delayed, ADHD, and has anxiety. Thats what he has been diagnosed with, we can also add to that depression (wants and tries to hurt himself), low self esteem, and is behind in most subjects. Kindergarten was rough for us, he threw chairs, hit kids...
  14. J

    We Finally Broke Down and Started Intuniv

    I don't post a lot, but for all of us who walk this road, I needed to share some good news that only parents of difficult child's can really appreciate. I was almost in tears. For those of you that don't know my story a brief background. husband and I together 20 yrs, married 12. difficult child, male, 8, planned...
  15. W

    Just want 2 dr's to agree.

    neuropsychologist says my 7yr has had Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on left side of his brain. psychiatric. says he has AS. Pediat. says it's ODD. He had a brain MRI last week and showed nothing...SO Now what do we do?
  16. gcvmom

    difficult child 1 becoming more hostile

    We've been having a lot of problems with difficult child 1's behavior the past few months. He provokes his sibs verbally and physically (name calling, poking, spitting, threatening to hit, etc.) and then when they react he gets violent. He is argumentative with both husband and I and gets confrontational and...
  17. E

    Theft & difficult child's

    What do you got? I need ideas! I need help! I need suggestions, tips, whatever. Gfg15 stole yet again this week from someone at school. My kid needs help! And I do NOT know how to help her! It hurts so very bad to watch her keep making these poor choices. PMIC staff have told the school to...
  18. flutterby

    psychiatrist appointment

    Apparently there was some huge misunderstanding with the psychiatrist's office. I thought that I was supposed to go the first time alone, and then schedule difficult child. That didn't seem weird to me as that's how it's almost always been with every mental health professional she's seen. But, no. I get there...
  19. G

    newbie here- need help / support

    Hi everyone. I just found this site as I feel like I'm losing it with my daughter and have nowhere else to turn. I'm sorry if this jumps around, but my mind is a jumbled mess! My daughter is 11 and is turning our home into a living nightmare. I am a single mother of her and I have a 4 year...
  20. N

    difficult child & School Troubles

    If you have read my previous posts, difficult child has been in & out of trouble at school for the past 3 or 4 years. Being typical parents, we have denied that he had issues, and always thought he would grow out of it. He wasn't that bad at home, just at school. Yesterday we had our weekly visit with...