I hate to use the word fight, but that's what happens. I am only home two days a week in the morning, and each time I am home it is the same thing. Today, difficult child was up early and decided to play a game on ps2. All was going well until the end of the game (which happened to be the time we needed to go) Then the he starts yelling at the game, bad mood already. I told him I hate it when he gets so angry at a game. He shouldn't play games in the morning. That made him angrier. Then he gets down on himself. Nobody likes me, wants to babysit, so I told him about the red cross course being offered this saturday. When I told him the hours he said, skip that, like anyone would ever trust me. They all hate me. I would only allow difficult child to babysit the few neighbors with kids 5 or 6yrs. old. And that way I would be able to stop in several times to observe. He is good with little kids, but don't know how he would handle an emergency. I told him he has a reputation which HE has made and only HE can change. He did so well last summer and up to semester when I changed jobs. Since that it has been all down hill. Constant arguing with me. I feel it is my job change since now I am home after school and 3/4 days a week. Makes me feel as if I shouldn't of switched jobs. It was killing me to drive 100+ miles every day and working 6 or 7 days a week. I didn't see anyone working second shift. Now I am local, and more money. But is this worth it? I feel so bad. Just dropped him off at school, and he was in a really bad mood. Don't know if he will turn it around. If not, it will be a tough day. I have so much to do today, but now am so sad. husband and difficult child make it real clear how much better it was when I wasn't here. I just can't make myself smile and be happy when they are constantly yelling at me for one thing or another. difficult child and friend took their bikes yesterday, and didn't come home after school. They get out early every wednesday. Instead they rode their bikes down to Lake Michigan. Didn't tell anyone. We are not that far from the Lake, but what if something happened. We had no idea where they were. He doesn't get it. Says it is all me. All my fault that we fight. Just hate feeling this way. He has a therapist appointment after school, and he hates going anywhere that HE doesn't want to go. So, I told him to come right out of school he has an appointment. Then he asked where, and that just threw more fuel onto is already bad mood. Hope he pulls together, or I will get calls again. Well, better get to work. Nobody does any housework, or yard work, so it is all here for me.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Hope everyone has a good day.