Hi, I'm new here, so if I'm not posting to the proper place, I'm sorry. I've been googling for months for info that might help my son. He's 6 and ADHD/severe anxiety (ODD flows out of the anxiety, but he's not really your typical ODD kid).
We've tried different medication trials for a year, and now we are on Risperdal to try to lengthen his fuse. While it seems to have started working about 2 weeks into the trial (my husband and I were actually quite cynical after being on so many failed trials, but when we saw him relax a bit and be a bit happier, we thought we finally found something to help), we noticed in the last two days that he has motor mouth and is just plain loud and goofy. Has anyone else noticed this? We started at .25mg once a day and after one week, we did .25mg twice a day. His improvement came a little after we added the second dose, but just a few days later, he was as argumentative as ever, along with goofy! I saw the same goofiness with Prozac (used for the anxiety) and we discontinued it. Any ideas?
We've tried different medication trials for a year, and now we are on Risperdal to try to lengthen his fuse. While it seems to have started working about 2 weeks into the trial (my husband and I were actually quite cynical after being on so many failed trials, but when we saw him relax a bit and be a bit happier, we thought we finally found something to help), we noticed in the last two days that he has motor mouth and is just plain loud and goofy. Has anyone else noticed this? We started at .25mg once a day and after one week, we did .25mg twice a day. His improvement came a little after we added the second dose, but just a few days later, he was as argumentative as ever, along with goofy! I saw the same goofiness with Prozac (used for the anxiety) and we discontinued it. Any ideas?