Last night difficult child fainted and was sent to the county hospital by ambulance. She was told not to return without a proper discharge from the hospital.
At the hospital after 12 hours she had still not been seen (this is all according to difficult child). She decided not to wait any longer and walked back across Chicago to her Residential Treatment Center (RTC). When she got there without her discharge they told her she was dismissed. She had completed 60 days out of 90 (and was clean at our house for 30 days waiting to get in to treatment, so she has 90 days sober overall).
She's had several fainting spells at the rehab. The last one before last night her blood pressure was extremely low. No one knows why her blood pressure dropped. She also has gynecological problems -- had an appointment. with a gynecologist today in fact. Now she can't go. When she was admitted they said they had doctors and psychiatrists available to the clients, but access has been poor. She got permission to see her old psychiatrist after she'd been there 30 days and had yet to see anyone, to get her medications adjusted.
I'm mad as a hornet :grrr: at the rehab and not too happy with difficult child, but really I think she got a raw deal here. I think they were tired of dealing with her medical and mental problems and took this opportunity to send her packing. She says she's keeping her spirits up and will start making meetings and get a sponsor.
I also wonder what I don't know about what was happening at the rehab. I have spoken with her counselor a couple of times over the last few weeks (this is not the so-called "prophet" that she talked to the first week; he is her "regular" counselor she's been working with for several weeks) and he said she was doing quite well and had a good attitude.
So difficult child is headed to our house on the train. She has appointments with MD today (we asked him to do a drug test, too) and psychiatrist Saturday. Guess she'll be staying with us again for a while. I don't know where else she can go for the time being. I don't want to just cut her loose when she's clean and trying to do good. But it is going to be a severe disruption. She will have to find somewhere else to live fairly soon. She's been pursuing a SSI disability claim, maybe that will pan out and she can get an apartment or something.
And the past two months have been so nice and peaceful. As my username says, here we go again. :
At the hospital after 12 hours she had still not been seen (this is all according to difficult child). She decided not to wait any longer and walked back across Chicago to her Residential Treatment Center (RTC). When she got there without her discharge they told her she was dismissed. She had completed 60 days out of 90 (and was clean at our house for 30 days waiting to get in to treatment, so she has 90 days sober overall).
She's had several fainting spells at the rehab. The last one before last night her blood pressure was extremely low. No one knows why her blood pressure dropped. She also has gynecological problems -- had an appointment. with a gynecologist today in fact. Now she can't go. When she was admitted they said they had doctors and psychiatrists available to the clients, but access has been poor. She got permission to see her old psychiatrist after she'd been there 30 days and had yet to see anyone, to get her medications adjusted.
I'm mad as a hornet :grrr: at the rehab and not too happy with difficult child, but really I think she got a raw deal here. I think they were tired of dealing with her medical and mental problems and took this opportunity to send her packing. She says she's keeping her spirits up and will start making meetings and get a sponsor.
I also wonder what I don't know about what was happening at the rehab. I have spoken with her counselor a couple of times over the last few weeks (this is not the so-called "prophet" that she talked to the first week; he is her "regular" counselor she's been working with for several weeks) and he said she was doing quite well and had a good attitude.
So difficult child is headed to our house on the train. She has appointments with MD today (we asked him to do a drug test, too) and psychiatrist Saturday. Guess she'll be staying with us again for a while. I don't know where else she can go for the time being. I don't want to just cut her loose when she's clean and trying to do good. But it is going to be a severe disruption. She will have to find somewhere else to live fairly soon. She's been pursuing a SSI disability claim, maybe that will pan out and she can get an apartment or something.
And the past two months have been so nice and peaceful. As my username says, here we go again. :