Good news from difficult child 2's teacher. I am so happy!!!


Well-Known Member
I received some good news from difficult child's teacher this morning. She says that since he's been moved up to his 2mgs of Intuniv that he is much better in class. He actually raises his hand and answers questions, something he NEVER does! Normally he is so into his own little world that he doesn't even hear the questions being asked. She also reported that he is engaged in learning and seems to be doing really well so far. She says she definitely sees him on his way to improvement. To think that his dad has been in such denial about the ADHD and insisted he didn't need to be on medications at all. Hopefully he will do a turnaround when I tell him the good news. I am wondering if difficult child will even qualify for an IEP if he continues to show improvement. We are still in the process of having him tested. I would think his Asperger's would qualify him but I don't know for sure yet. Either way I am so happy he is finally showing signs of improvement. Yayyyy difficult child!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Very good!
If he no longer qualifies for the IEP, get him a 504. It's easier to stay in the system than to start all over again, in case he needs to go back to an IEP.


Well-Known Member
Well I just emailed his teacher and she says although he is somewhat improved, he still has a hard time focusing and she has to give him frequent reminders. I guess some improvement is better than none. I am very reluctant to move him up to 3 mgs like the doctor wanted because he is having a harder time sleeping. At least he wakes up bright and early at 5:00 instead of me having to drag him out of bed at 6:45, ten minutes before we need to leave. Since he is up so early he is also starting to dress himself without my help. Huge relief as I was not thrilled with having to change his underwear at his age. I'm just worried that he will start waking up even earlier than five if we increase the dose. I guess I will email psychiatrist and see what he says. I also asked the teacher how his social skills are. She says they are the same. There is no change. I kinda thought so but was kinda hoping he'd be better in that area too. Well at least I'm a lil bit happy that he is improving somewhat.


New Member
Great news! I'd still push for the IEP, medications are forgotten, or need changing when they grow or circumstances happen that even with medications, they can't handle, etc. With the IEP you can cover the "what ifs" and teach skills that he has been missing out on (like how to handle those times when medications are not working so great) etc....As he gets older he will have to be so much more independent but if he has the IEP you can have support proactively ready to go. Way better to have the protection of Special Education. law than to have him be suspended or to have situations handled inappropriately. Both Aspergers and ADHD should be on the iep, he can be under OHI (other health impairment or a similar term) which could cover both or he can have a primary and secondary like OHI and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)...

Just MHO, and I agree, if the IEP route fails, a 504 is a must (as Terry recommended).

PS, we posted at the same time, so I didn't see your second update.....What time does he get the medications?? Can you adjust the time?


You're still in the evaluation process, right?
In that case... please consider having him evaluated by an Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) for auditory processing disorders - including the less-well-known ones like auditory figure ground.

Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) symptoms are almost identical to ADHD symptoms... the person may have either diagnosis, or both dxes. (difficult child has both.)

APDs also impact social skills.

If it is something like auditory figure ground that is causing difficulties... this means the person doesn't filter sound well. So... one-on-one, quiet room... they do fairly well (depending on other dxes...), but... regular classroom? any classroom? playground? noise, noise, more noise... and nothing "registers".

APDs are not treated by medications - none exist. It's all accommodations and interventions, but these WORK. Even just understanding what is really happening, is huge... And no, they can't "just try harder". There IS no brainpower left to process what little does get into the brain, because the poor brain is fighting just to even figure out that words are being spoken.


New Member
I was going to say the same as Terry and Buddy, but changed my mind. Continue going the IEP path and push for it. If he would qualify without medications, he qualifies with medications.

Forget missed doses. What happens if there are side effect and you have to take him off medications all together? What happens if you and husband simply decide medications really aren't right for your family? There is no law requiring you to medicate difficult child, however, there are laws requiring school to give difficult child FAPE.

Be happy that the medications are working, but keep pushing for the IEP


Well-Known Member
Buddy he gets his medications in the morning time. He is supposed to take it at that time because it is a long acting form that usually works during the day but wears off at night. Maybe that is why he is having a hard time sleeping. The medication probably wears off by at bedtime. Soapbox, do they offer Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) testing at the school or is that something his neuropsychologist would handle? I'm not so sure about that diagnosis, however. He is the same at home as in the classroom. He is super hyper active (which is getting better with the medications) and he exibits the same odd behavior at school and at home. My gut is telling me he is Asperger's and psychiatrist thinks so too. His social skills are very poor and he shows the same symptoms regardless of where he is at.


Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) would be on top of whatever other dxes... not just on top of ADHD. It's a "stand-alone problem" that just happens to be co-morbid with lots of other stuff. Having Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) doesn't mean he isn't Aspie or anything else.

IF the school has Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) resources available, and IF the school Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) has access to the specific tests that include screening for auditory figure ground... then the school Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) can do the initial screening, and I'd start there. (right, Buddy?)

Usually, if they find something, it means you have to go to an advanced specialized audiologist (working specifically with APDs) to get the diagnosis.

Our difficult child has this.
The classroom was the worst, but the brain-drain was so massive that he never recovered... never came out of the fog that resulted in all sorts of behavior issues. A two month summer break wasn't long enough to fully recover.
And our home is ideal for Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) people... no entertainment technology at all, no background music unless somebody is practicing for lessons, very quiet.
Most homes... TV is on, somebody else is playing some computer game, or listening on an Ipod...
And then there's all the normal background noise... running water, dishwasher, laundry, tub/shower, the vacuum, people dragging their feet, etc.
"Quiet" just doesn't exist very easily.
He may be so burned out from trying to "listen" at school, that... there's nothing left anywhere.


New Member
If your gut is saying that it probably is, that is one thing most of us eventually learn to trust. If you want to check for Auditory Processing Disorders (APD)'s he is old enough to go to a specialized audiologist. Depends on your insurance, I did not need a referral but of course you want to check. YOu have to check for an audiologist who does more than just standard hearing threshold, or even auditory discrimination testing....It is a much more specific and specialized kind of testing. A Speech-Lang Pathologist can identify warning signs and check for processing difficulties and can make the recommendation to get a referral too.... The neuropsychologist does not have the audiology booth or specific tests that are needed to do this testing. Sounds, words, sentences, running speech, tones, are presented in different forms to the ears alone, together etc... with back ground noise, without, at different speeds, etc... And from those results they can see how he processes sounds, words, speech, etc....

But if you get Occupational Therapist (OT), Audiology and Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) results first and bring them to the neuropsychologist, they are great at putting all the little pieces together. various processing difficulties are often associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) so if you think it is a possibility (doesn't get directions, "forgets" or misses parts of directions, seems like he is ignoring especially in noisy environments, distracted....many other symptoms as has been said) then start the search for this specialized professional.


Well-Known Member
Thanks soapbox and buddy. I will definitely look into it. I guess I should start with the school first and see what kinds of testing they can do. It's been so long since difficult child has been through it all so I don't remember exactly what they tested her on, besides the basic adademic testing, of course. Oddly enough, although difficult child 2 has bad grades due to his lack of focus, he tested (previously) in the 95th percentile for IQ. So he has potential but right now his disabilities are getting in the way.