Have you seen "Sister Wives"?


Former desparate mom
It just seems so strange to me that we,as a country, are more outraged by this one family who are, in essence, not hurting anyone but themselves and we are ok with not arresting or intervening with the drug addict who steals, lives off the rest of us, produces nothing. I think the drug life is more abhorrent to me than this weird other group. Their sex life is of no concern to me. Besides having more than one women in the kitchen is a disaster waiting to happen. More so than another woman in the bedroom.
It's just a tempest in a teacup for me. Much bigger fish to fry in my humble opinion. Same with gay marriage. Just not my business. Whether I approve or not shouldn't be a public issue but a personal one.


Active Member
I did catch the tail end of an episode a few nights back. I have to say that I just don't get it. I could never nor would I ever SHARE my husband with another woman/women. But with that being said, this way of life is all some people know and they think nothing of it. You could see, hear and feel the jealousy of "the sister's" .... Curious to see how long this reality show will last ...