New Member
Im am new here, and my 8 yr old daughter is multi handicapped. She is wheelchair bound, no speach but vocalizes, developmentally delayed, medically fragile (GERD and seizures) and a failure to thrive due to her many and severe food allergies: peanuts, soybean, eggs, whey, orange and tomatoes.Her syndrome is 22q13 deletion and is best described as a combination of cerebal palsy and autisim. Although she is technically not diagnosed autistic the children with this syndrome display a lot of traits of autisim.
I am going to describe our situation as best I can without HOPING it turning into a lengthly post. Here I go...
She is attending a LRE class in a public school system. This is here second year. The teacher is wonderful and her staff is well.
Currently there are 8 children (technically 9 but 1 is pretty much homebound due to some severe medical problems)
4 are wheelchair bound and high functioning, and none of them speak. My daughter included. The other 4 are very mobile and low functioning (2 are Downs and the other 2 are AHDD, ADD or in that spectrum) Those 2 are also VERY ACTIVE!! As I am sure any parent here who has a child like that knows that they have the energy level of 5 children in 1! So we have 8 children were 50/50 are on complete opposite ends of functioning levels. And there are 4 adults.
I know some may think this isn't too bad, but considering what has to be done in a day I think its overwhelming for staff. Getting kids into standers, walkers, communication sessions, scheduling times with the pt, Occupational Therapist (OT) and speech therapist and so on....
My daughter is still learning to feed herself and its important she eats what she has because she doesn't have a whole variety of foods in her diet. So its important she gets her nutrional level to avoid going to a feeding tube.
She has come home many times and finding out that she hardly ate or drank anything. Twice she has come home in the same diaper I sent her to school in.
I was quite upset over this but also understand how it could happen if the staff appears to be shortstaffed!
Last year we had this problem and several times I brought my daughter in and it was just the teacher with 5 kids! She was trying to feed my daughter her breakfast (our county does breakfast as well as lunch at school) and had to keep getting up and deal with the AHDD child who was making chaos!! I certanly don't blame the child because she couldn't help it, but I do blame the system as they have created a situation that could turn ugly.
I have spoke with the teacher many times and we have discussion and tried several options to help avoid these things happening. After the diaper incident I said ,"I think my daughter will be better off with a one on one aide." The teacher AGREED with me wholeheartedly, and told me to make sure I keep saying, "my childs needs ar not being met." And be a squeaky wheel because the administration HATES parents who are pushy about it.
I've already informed the teacher and principal that I want a meeting. The principal said I could give the SPED director a call and ask, but there is no money in the budget. And if I want to call a meeting I can, but she thinks the director will say no anyway. I told her I still wanted a meeting.I've requested the director be invited, afterall if its his decision no sense putty footing around the table to wait.
I also went over my daughter's IEP last night and there are a few spots under Modifications and that where it does say "one on one assistance" so I don't know if I have them on a technicality or not.
The other thing Im going to bring up is the fact that there are at least 4 children in the school system who are Austistic only and have one on one aides. Two of the parents of these kids offered to attend the meeting with me as support.
I got my battle gear on /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/war_mom.gif and IM READY TO GO!!
My apologies for making this so lengthy!!
I am going to describe our situation as best I can without HOPING it turning into a lengthly post. Here I go...
She is attending a LRE class in a public school system. This is here second year. The teacher is wonderful and her staff is well.
Currently there are 8 children (technically 9 but 1 is pretty much homebound due to some severe medical problems)
4 are wheelchair bound and high functioning, and none of them speak. My daughter included. The other 4 are very mobile and low functioning (2 are Downs and the other 2 are AHDD, ADD or in that spectrum) Those 2 are also VERY ACTIVE!! As I am sure any parent here who has a child like that knows that they have the energy level of 5 children in 1! So we have 8 children were 50/50 are on complete opposite ends of functioning levels. And there are 4 adults.
I know some may think this isn't too bad, but considering what has to be done in a day I think its overwhelming for staff. Getting kids into standers, walkers, communication sessions, scheduling times with the pt, Occupational Therapist (OT) and speech therapist and so on....
My daughter is still learning to feed herself and its important she eats what she has because she doesn't have a whole variety of foods in her diet. So its important she gets her nutrional level to avoid going to a feeding tube.
She has come home many times and finding out that she hardly ate or drank anything. Twice she has come home in the same diaper I sent her to school in.
I was quite upset over this but also understand how it could happen if the staff appears to be shortstaffed!
Last year we had this problem and several times I brought my daughter in and it was just the teacher with 5 kids! She was trying to feed my daughter her breakfast (our county does breakfast as well as lunch at school) and had to keep getting up and deal with the AHDD child who was making chaos!! I certanly don't blame the child because she couldn't help it, but I do blame the system as they have created a situation that could turn ugly.
I have spoke with the teacher many times and we have discussion and tried several options to help avoid these things happening. After the diaper incident I said ,"I think my daughter will be better off with a one on one aide." The teacher AGREED with me wholeheartedly, and told me to make sure I keep saying, "my childs needs ar not being met." And be a squeaky wheel because the administration HATES parents who are pushy about it.
I've already informed the teacher and principal that I want a meeting. The principal said I could give the SPED director a call and ask, but there is no money in the budget. And if I want to call a meeting I can, but she thinks the director will say no anyway. I told her I still wanted a meeting.I've requested the director be invited, afterall if its his decision no sense putty footing around the table to wait.
I also went over my daughter's IEP last night and there are a few spots under Modifications and that where it does say "one on one assistance" so I don't know if I have them on a technicality or not.
The other thing Im going to bring up is the fact that there are at least 4 children in the school system who are Austistic only and have one on one aides. Two of the parents of these kids offered to attend the meeting with me as support.
I got my battle gear on /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/war_mom.gif and IM READY TO GO!!
My apologies for making this so lengthy!!