Ok, been reading many posts in this forum. I am terrified. So many of the posts are familiar.,,,Gifted, refusal for school work, ODD - can't even get into that. Each school year he says he'll do better next year. First he says next quarter, then it turns into next year. Doesn't do his work, but can ace the tests. First year of middle school (age 10) was involved with a group of kids and did get caught with pot. He admitted to smoking it, but drug test came back clean. Had him drug tested periodically for a year..all came back clean. (I never told him the first test was clean, since he admitted to it)
I am terrified about the coming years. Seems as if 8th or 9th grade is a popular grade. difficult child will be going into 8th grade next fall. For those of you who have managed through these years, with drug/alcohol, school defiance, if you could go back, is there some one thing that sticks out in your mind? Is there something that could of alerted you sooner?
It just seems too familiar from early on up to the age of my difficult child. I am trying to educate myself with the different types of drugs, slang out there so i will know a little bit. I see my son in so many of your stories, I also see the potential for him to make the bad choices.
I thought the daily battles were tough. Looks like the past ten years are only the beginning.
this board is a wealth of knowledge.
I am terrified about the coming years. Seems as if 8th or 9th grade is a popular grade. difficult child will be going into 8th grade next fall. For those of you who have managed through these years, with drug/alcohol, school defiance, if you could go back, is there some one thing that sticks out in your mind? Is there something that could of alerted you sooner?
It just seems too familiar from early on up to the age of my difficult child. I am trying to educate myself with the different types of drugs, slang out there so i will know a little bit. I see my son in so many of your stories, I also see the potential for him to make the bad choices.
I thought the daily battles were tough. Looks like the past ten years are only the beginning.
this board is a wealth of knowledge.