Yesterday difficult child II had MRI (finally) now we are waiting for results. But he still has been more and more violent with us. Yesterday he really had a bad melt down and threatened to kill me while I am sleeping with a knife. I was trying not to show that it bothered me but my Dad was there and he lost it on difficult child II (verbally), which sent him running off into the neighborhood, this is sad but I am glad my Dad did witness this, because he always thinks I am over exagerating difficult child II's problems, this was a reality shocker for him, but it is my REALITY all the same. This is also why I have begun recoridng difficult child II when he loses it because with the school always ?'ing me and DYFS involved I feel I need evidence (so sad) to protect myself. BUt difficult child II did apologize after melt down, but I will admitt I locked my bedroom door last night.