New Member
Hi family:
I have been lurking for awhile now.
I seem too tired after work and after work,"work".... :hypnosis:
Baby J has had his first birthday :bravo: :smile: :rofl:
He is walking and starting to try to talk. :bravo:
He is like a flower unfolding in front of us. Funny how I don't remember feeling like this about difficult child's childhood..... :smile:
difficult child is less than 90 days sober. She has had one pregnancy, one abortion and one relapse. She called her court appointed attorney on me last week stating that she wanted more visitations with her son. On top of all her drama she has admitted to me, that she is in no way shape or form prepared to be a mother. I don't get her, she is still sabotaging herself. Her current boyfriend, whom I like, is a recovering heroin addict, still relapsing, any reason will do :hammer:
I have been here night after night and on the sneak at work..lurking and unable to write (and writing is my hobby) :rolleyes:
I am, in 3 months, marrying the man of my dreams. I have never been happier in a relationship. He is wonderful and loves Baby J as his own,truly. :bravo:
It haunts me how difficult child helped kill my last relationship, although that never really was going to last, but she hastened it. :grrr:
I guess most of this belongs in the watercooler. I just feel comfortable here, with you guys.
The weird thing about difficult child is she seems like she is growing into a more mature person.....at times. Sometimes difficult child can still be a royal manipulative witch. She is only one slip up away from her next relapse. I keep waiting for it to come.
Melissa :angel:
I have been lurking for awhile now.
I seem too tired after work and after work,"work".... :hypnosis:
Baby J has had his first birthday :bravo: :smile: :rofl:
He is walking and starting to try to talk. :bravo:
He is like a flower unfolding in front of us. Funny how I don't remember feeling like this about difficult child's childhood..... :smile:
difficult child is less than 90 days sober. She has had one pregnancy, one abortion and one relapse. She called her court appointed attorney on me last week stating that she wanted more visitations with her son. On top of all her drama she has admitted to me, that she is in no way shape or form prepared to be a mother. I don't get her, she is still sabotaging herself. Her current boyfriend, whom I like, is a recovering heroin addict, still relapsing, any reason will do :hammer:
I have been here night after night and on the sneak at work..lurking and unable to write (and writing is my hobby) :rolleyes:
I am, in 3 months, marrying the man of my dreams. I have never been happier in a relationship. He is wonderful and loves Baby J as his own,truly. :bravo:
It haunts me how difficult child helped kill my last relationship, although that never really was going to last, but she hastened it. :grrr:
I guess most of this belongs in the watercooler. I just feel comfortable here, with you guys.
The weird thing about difficult child is she seems like she is growing into a more mature person.....at times. Sometimes difficult child can still be a royal manipulative witch. She is only one slip up away from her next relapse. I keep waiting for it to come.
Melissa :angel: