What chores do you hate the most?


Well-Known Member
Any advice on getting the black gunky mold looking stuff out of the corners of showers? Even bleach doesn't get it.

There's a cleaner I use called CLR. I attached a picture of the bottle. It's amazing. It degunks everything! It comes in a yellow spray bottle and I found it at Walmart for like $4. It seriously cleans everything!


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call 911........call 911
I love cleaning........Not a thing about it I don't like.....

I used to teach cleaning to teams of maids. There are a LOT of tricks and shortcuts that get you in and out of a 6 bedroom house with a team of two from bath to bedroom......that people just don't realize. Having the right tools also makes the job a lot easier. And knowning what chemicals to use and how to maintain things in between is essential.

My problem now is my house is falling apart.....and I couldn't care less. I used to be analannie about everythying......and could spot clean a home in less than 3 hours.....alone. Then do laundry, iron, cook and all that...plus did all my own yard work. Now? I don't care. We were just talking about this today----and DF asked me why I don't care....and I said....Look at the house. lol....He agreed, and said maybe someday....and I choked....I thought.....that ship? Has sailed. I'm praying for lightning.


Well-Known Member
Star....how do you suggest getting the dog smell out of a house? (Other than get rid of the dog, lol) DDD


Well-Known Member
Star... yes, maybe someday.
You DID get a job, right?
You even got hearing aides for DF.
So... with all of life's twists and turns, yes, maybe, someday.
Maybe even sooner than you think.

(husband says I'm way too much of an optomist)


Well-Known Member
I hate cleaning out the fridge and cleaning the bathrooms!

A tip for the glass-doored showers. I leave a squeegee in my shower and use it every time I shower - I rinse the soap/shampoo off the doors with warm water first. Saves tons of time!

My biggest homemaker hint - do something every day. I have a big old house, way too much space for difficult child and me. An old house is actually harder to keep clean. But I do at least one or two things every day. It's not so overwhelming as leaving it all for one day a week.....



Well-Known Member
My biggest homemaker hint - do something every day. I have a big old house, way too much space for difficult child and me. An old house is actually harder to keep clean. But I do at least one or two things every day. It's not so overwhelming as leaving it all for one day a week.....

This is so very true. Our house is rambling and old as well, and doing things as we go means that things are less likely to get on top of us.
A few things I've learned to do:
clean the sink and mirror right after I finish brushing my teeth
squeegee and rinse down the bath at the end of my shower
give the toilet a quick scrub whenever I think of it
tackle the dishes as I'm cooking. By the time everything is ready, the dishwasher is loaded and running, the non-dishwasher items are washed, etc. Then put away and reload the dishwasher after the meal
Make the Monster Tots tidy up one toy before they take out another one. We still have toy explosions, but they're smaller this way.


New Member
Picking up the dog **** after a heavy winter. Layers upon layers of it when the snow thaws and it's always mushy.


Well-Known Member
I used to have a citron crested cockatoo. I cleaned that messy, noisy critter's cage for 25 years. I HATED it, even though I really enjoyed the bird. When he started trying to bite the grandkids every time they would use the cage to pull up on to stand or cruise, I gave to him to a home that is spoiling him rotten and now THEY get to clean his cage. Ucky.


Well-Known Member
We are about to pull up all the carpets in our home due to the dogs. It will leave us with just the subflooring but I dont know what else we can do. And I hate what they use for subflooring in mobile homes. Its that stupid press board which is basically thick cardboard. Get it wet and it crumbles. Hopefully in a few months we can put down laminate.


Well-Known Member
If you leave the sub-floor exposed - you will have to replace it before laying new flooring. Especially in the kitchen and bathrooms. Stains in the sub-flooring will ruin whatever you put over it.