
  1. TerryJ2

    difficult child trying Imiprimene

    Hi all, we visited the psychiatrist today. We are trying Imiprimene, which I'd wanted b4 we wasted our time (and difficult child's health) on Prozac and Zoloft, but you know how you have to jump through hoops. I hope this works. We have to do a blood draw in 6 wks. It also helps with-bedwetting and is...
  2. M


    d started his summer routine this week. T and TH he has tutoring. MWF he has daycamp activities and at night, Taekwando. For the most part, it's been a good (and full) week. He did have a meltdown last night after the class. He just cried out of frustration. It's a pretty strict class...
  3. gcvmom

    Trialing very low-dose clonazepam...

    for difficult child 2's Sydenham's tremor. He's not doing too bad his first day off Risperdal after the lovely dystonic dance yesterday. A little reactive. A little trouble cocentrating even with his Daytrana patch today. We'll get the new rx filled tomorrow. I may wait 'til the weekend to try this...
  4. M

    Lock for Fridge

    It is exhausting trying to keep d from eating nonstop! Some if it is healthy, some not. But even eating too much of a good thing isn't. Could this eating (disorder?) be part of his anxiety? Is it Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) to eat like this? He is such a beautiful child.This emerging weight problem greatly concerns...
  5. M

    Tenex Results

    I would have to give this medication a thumbs up. It has done what it was supposed to do and I don't see any visible side effects. It has helped increase d's frustration tolerance and decreased the meltdowns. It has done nothing for the anxiety. I still have him on 5mg of Celexa, afraid to...
  6. Alisonlg

    Slowly watching irritability increase...

    So, M has been on Celexa for about 6 weeks total (4 wks at 20 mg's) and 4 1/2 weeks on the Tenex. I'm slowly seeing his level of tolerance decrease...he's becoming more irritable and I'm starting to see a return to the less stable M that we knew before the medications. We're not *at that point* yet...
  7. Alisonlg

    And the world begins to crumble...

    It's been a while since I've ventured over here. Life was relatively stable with M for a while and C was getting a bit more managable and both started seeing a therapist they like. School started and M was doing really well at school, but occassionally having a difficult time with the "it's so hard...
  8. tiredmommy

    Intro post for Maureen

    Please give Maureen a warm welcome, her is her intro from a different thread: Hi this is my first time on the forum, just came across it.. My daughter is 12 years old, she is suffering from anxiety it started out as separation anxiety from me she was afraid while she wasn't me I would be hurt...
  9. robinm1922

    Here we go again!

    This has been a rough two weeks let me tell you all! I go to the Neuropsychologist have a great appointment there. He thinks difficult child may have ADD/ADHD at least a mild case along with ODD. He told me the ODD is a "garden" type diagnosis but she shows some signs. Get approval for testing insurance is...
  10. jannie

    Vyvanse trial

    difficult child # 2 is now on day 3 of Vyvanse. So far, so good. I haven't seen any negative effects (yet--fingers crossed). I am only giving him half a pill and we dissolve it in water. He doesn't like the "taste" but that's too bad...He's back to playing his clarient. He said tonight...look mom at my...
  11. L

    School not providing for my ADHD/ODD son

    My name is Loraine and I just joined today. I am eager to put a stop to what has been happening to my son. It's a long story but to shorten it My son was diagnosed with ADHD severe combined type with ODD and anxiet y and depression issues in Kindergarten at age 6 he is now 8. we had went...
  12. L

    New here!

    Hello everyone. Hoping I will be able to find some info and support here. I have a 10yr old son who was diagnosed with ODD and learning disorders not otherwise specified. He is currently taking Strattera 40mg in the AM and Seroquel 25mg in the evenings. The Seroquel is being bumped up to 50mg XL tomorrow to...
  13. Marguerite

    HELP - defining odd speech patterns

    I've got a curly question for you. I'm hoping someone can help me find the appropriate label for difficult child 3's pattern of speech. husband does it too (not as much) and also to a lesser extent, easy child 2/difficult child 2. It's worst at the end of the day when medications have worn off; also in the morning before medications kick in, but...
  14. Janna

    So Tell Me About The Uncommon medications

    that may be working for your kid. What do you do when you've tried them all? Dylan's hyperactivity and impulsivity are skyrocketing. We had him 6 full days over the holiday, and every person that came in contact with him said he seemed "10x worse", "ready to jump out of his skin", "couldn't...
  15. A

    HELP!! I am so confused.....

    I have a 12 yo difficult child. I have been on here in the past. He has been on medications for ADHD since he was 7. Then when he was 10 in 4th grade we moved to a new town. After the move he became a bit sad so the psychiatrist put him on Prozac. He became more depressed on that. So I took him off. A few month...
  16. T

    difficult child's First Session With New Counselor

    husband and difficult child just left the new counselor's office. husband gave her the parent assessment that we made (thanks to this site) and she was sooo appreciative. She didn't get beyond the first page of it and said that she didn't think Celexa was the right medication for difficult child. She also suggested inpatient testing...
  17. F

    I REFUSE to take him with me anymore!! LONG

    Oh, hon. been there done that too many times to count. When my difficult child was that age, I was too afraid to make eye contact with anyone, let alone put them in their place when they made rude comments. Now, it's a different story, but then I just wanted to become invisible. (((hugs)))
  18. D

    Better Sit Down for This One...

    Hello All-- I am SOOO aggravated right now...so I am sorry if this turns into a rambling rant. We had a psychiatrist appointment this evening--mostly to get difficult child's Celexa script refilled.... And psychiatrist began asking difficult child how she is doing in school. Well, she had a little sob story that despite trying really...
  19. H

    Hospitalization #3

    Well, it's been a rough few days, but suffice it to say, difficult child 2 was hospitalized yesterday for his 3rd time. Since his father's death he has steadily spiraled downward. Tuesday night he crossed the line. Through the course of his meltdown he grabbed me by the throat and pinned me to the wall...
  20. jcox

    Elijah in hospital

    Yesterday Elijah's two week good spree came crashing to an end. He woke up very hyper. He pulled his ten y.o sister's hair so hard she fell to the floor. He threw a chair at his other sister who is twelve. He choked the puppy. He thew his television on the floor twice breaking it. Then got...