Long road but the path ahead holds hope.
what a 24 hours oh my my.
First I was 100% correct my sons lawyer has wings. I am certain of it. She called me this morning and I told her about cop mom. She dropped a few F Bombs (shocking very out of character). She said shut that nut case down and keep her away from E.
I was suspicious she was putting over sons case until the drug detox was over. And I was right. She met and spoke with him today. Explained she was happy to let him plea and informed him the Crown is asking for PRISON time. Mandatory minimum on all open counts 4 years. The best she would do is ask for 2 and most likely get 3. This would mean he would go to a Federal Penitentiary not a provincial correctional jail.
She had a major intervention with him. Explained that bail was a non issue why bother. Better get comfy because it would only get worse from here....unless...and it would be a long shot...she could convince the Crown to hear his plea for rehab and stay his charges until after rehab.....have I told you this woman is an Angel
she explained he would have to have strong parental support behind him for this to fly.
To this son wept and wept came clean about all the details of the theft and that we haven’t been to visit him. Knows he has a drug problem and is scared to death of a long haul in Prison. She left him called me filled me in while letting him stew in his own juices for a bit.
We will have to house him on house arrest until his rehab bed is available. I am working on this furiously. However his long term rehab application remained open for another week and as long as he is not in jail we can move forward. The intake coordinator is off sight today. Ghaa! If that is not a go it is Teen Challenge.
She told me we could clear him in court today but suggested we follow through with a bit more thinking time for him. I agreed so we are going to see him this evening. We will assess his sincerity for rehab and if all goes well we will be at court Wednesday receiving house arrest orders and prepping for long term inpatient rehab.
Once the deal is struck there is no going back. If he leaves rehab he goes straight to remand and goes to prison for his full sentence.
He can finish high school in rehab and get on a good path.
To have a public defender this dedicated and a crown willing to participate in the intervention is truly amazing. It is a Devine Intervention!
The Crown told the lawyer “I see these parents, this kid hads a fighting chance, he is one of the lucky ones”.
The Crown could have taken the easy route and asked for probation and turfed the kid and moved on. They played their cards right. The punishment had to be the worst option.
Now he has to go to rehab and he has to stay. Or

He will still be a slippery fish on house arrest and if I have to hire security to manage him I will. There will be zero tolerance for any disrespect or back talk. He will Do his time waiting and processing for rehab respectfully or it won’t happen.
There is a good chance after Rehab that his charges will be dismissed. He will never know that. He thinks he will get some form of probation.
And the rehab journey begins. I am sooo tired.
First I was 100% correct my sons lawyer has wings. I am certain of it. She called me this morning and I told her about cop mom. She dropped a few F Bombs (shocking very out of character). She said shut that nut case down and keep her away from E.
I was suspicious she was putting over sons case until the drug detox was over. And I was right. She met and spoke with him today. Explained she was happy to let him plea and informed him the Crown is asking for PRISON time. Mandatory minimum on all open counts 4 years. The best she would do is ask for 2 and most likely get 3. This would mean he would go to a Federal Penitentiary not a provincial correctional jail.
She had a major intervention with him. Explained that bail was a non issue why bother. Better get comfy because it would only get worse from here....unless...and it would be a long shot...she could convince the Crown to hear his plea for rehab and stay his charges until after rehab.....have I told you this woman is an Angel

To this son wept and wept came clean about all the details of the theft and that we haven’t been to visit him. Knows he has a drug problem and is scared to death of a long haul in Prison. She left him called me filled me in while letting him stew in his own juices for a bit.
We will have to house him on house arrest until his rehab bed is available. I am working on this furiously. However his long term rehab application remained open for another week and as long as he is not in jail we can move forward. The intake coordinator is off sight today. Ghaa! If that is not a go it is Teen Challenge.
She told me we could clear him in court today but suggested we follow through with a bit more thinking time for him. I agreed so we are going to see him this evening. We will assess his sincerity for rehab and if all goes well we will be at court Wednesday receiving house arrest orders and prepping for long term inpatient rehab.
Once the deal is struck there is no going back. If he leaves rehab he goes straight to remand and goes to prison for his full sentence.
He can finish high school in rehab and get on a good path.
To have a public defender this dedicated and a crown willing to participate in the intervention is truly amazing. It is a Devine Intervention!
The Crown told the lawyer “I see these parents, this kid hads a fighting chance, he is one of the lucky ones”.
The Crown could have taken the easy route and asked for probation and turfed the kid and moved on. They played their cards right. The punishment had to be the worst option.
Now he has to go to rehab and he has to stay. Or

He will still be a slippery fish on house arrest and if I have to hire security to manage him I will. There will be zero tolerance for any disrespect or back talk. He will Do his time waiting and processing for rehab respectfully or it won’t happen.
There is a good chance after Rehab that his charges will be dismissed. He will never know that. He thinks he will get some form of probation.
And the rehab journey begins. I am sooo tired.