praying for you all in Jesus mighty name, amen
leanne denise
I am new here today, i have a very difficult child age 12, however its been about 5 years of a gradual upswing of hard to deal with defiance issue, i know it started when she was little with little things, like panic to cross the street if it wasnt the way she wanted to go and bursts of defiance at any kind of change or anything she saw as not the right way to do something, she is an excellent student at school, yet we all go thru exhaustion as she has to meet all expectations she sets for herself, to the point now of her being impossible and cruel..
i have had enough, i love her so much however, because of this love and for my self and other children, we gotta get to the bottom of this, she refuses to go to the doctor or even counseling, to the point of down right running away from the car screaming bloody murder,. gee but soon as she feels comfortable again without fear she calms right down into a soft person, but when she has her menses, just started, oh my gosh, i am praying and hoping this will be a good place to start finding solutions
thanks much
God bless you all as well
this is the first step in a journey of ??????miles, here i go
hit send, step 1..God i hope this is the right ladder to climb