
  1. L

    So lost dealing with a depressed 13 year old...long lonely road..

    This is taking a horrible toll on our family, but worst toll is on our 13 year old, I just need someone to chat with who is going thru this... It all started Xmas 2010, so we have been BATTLING this for 15 months, no end in sight...they won't say bipolar yet, but reading about the different...
  2. JJJ

    Lovely, Kanga is having hallucinations

    husband has been on Kanga duty -- taking her to her therapist appointments and parenting her while I have been taking care of the other 3. Kanga's therapist called me today to let me know that despite the 84 days of intensive psychiatric care that she sees no improvement in Kanga, feels she is in a manic...
  3. L

    difficult child 2 is now 'an emergency' says psychiatrist

    Hardly know where to start. psychiatrist apparently finally saw the whole big picture today! History: Abusive Biodad and difficult child 1. difficult child 2 was diagnosis'ed BiPolar (BP) at age 9 (not 'official on paper'but treatment for it anyway) due to behaviors and mood swings, also put on IEP for emotional lability and dysgraphia. Put...
  4. JJJ

    "Kill them" he urged her

    At Kanga's psychiatrist appointment, she shared that her voices were encouraging her to kill us all during her family visit this weekend. Lovely. The nurse and I both praised her for not listening to the voices and not killing anyone. We both then started laughing because it was just so ABSURD. Praise...
  5. daralex

    Welcome to Lexapro!

    So we are new to the medication rodeo, but difficult child was finally placed on Lexapro. She claimed she was tired last night, but that seemed a little quick to feel symptoms? I've toyed with the whole medications idea for several years, but lately her anxiety and ager are too great for me to bear. I hope it helps her...
  6. L

    Who of you had to go on medications for yourself!!!!!

    I was just curious to know is there any of you who had to go on medications to help you cope with your difficult child? My sons psychiatrist has put me on SSRI to try and help me be less stressed, anxious, kind of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).....in general to help me have more patience and not loose it easily!!!! Ok....I was first on...
  7. F

    Worn out looking for answers

    I started writing this post while sitting in Alex's (not his real name) bedroom, waiting for him to finally fall asleep. He would have been happy to go to be alone, since I later found my smartphone once again hidden under clothes in his closet. But in the last week, he has broken one of his...
  8. K


    I am new to this forum. I am so thankful that I found it. I have been struggling with my son who is now 6 years old since his birth. He has always been a very difficult child. Over the years we have had several diagnosis. Finally, last March he had to be hospitalized. At that time, he was...
  9. klmno


    psychiatrist just added abilify to the tegretol and lithobid. I told him I had made a parental decision and decided to try a few days without the naltrexone and things are looking good on that front. He told me that was fine- just keep some around in case cutting starts back. He also said it was ok to...
  10. Janna

    So Tell Me About The Uncommon medications

    that may be working for your kid. What do you do when you've tried them all? Dylan's hyperactivity and impulsivity are skyrocketing. We had him 6 full days over the holiday, and every person that came in contact with him said he seemed "10x worse", "ready to jump out of his skin", "couldn't...
  11. edej

    New here

    Hello this is my first time here, a friend reccomended I join. My 13 almsot (this week!) 14 year old daughter is currently living out of state at a therapeutic boarding school. We found out she was cutting this past November and had her admitted to short term pysch hospital which did nothing...
  12. A

    New issue today!!!

    Last night our dog cowered down to difficult child. He has never done this before. Our little guy said the dog kept yelping when difficult child held him. They were home for about 1 1/2 hours alone today. I hate them being alone but both my parents have passed and my in laws live an hour away. My sister who usually...
  13. TerryJ2

    He's sick

    It was just a matter of time. This is the end of the 2nd wk on Prozac. He's hot and is seeing black spots in front of his eyes when he tries to stand up. I think I can nip this one in the bud because I know what we're dealing with. Last time, with-Zoloft, I thought he was crying wolf. Live and...
  14. JJJ

    Kanga's sense of entitlement

    Kanga called this morning. Course she is all excited about getting her belts back and she wants me to take her shopping. She does not get it. She tried to get husband to talk to me but he refused (good job husband!). Why the heck does she think I would take her shopping? I reminded her that her next...
  15. AllStressedOut

    Sleep medications and dosage levels ?'s

    How much rozerum is normal for a child? I can't find a weight chart for it. Are there other types of sleep aides for kids besides rozerum and seroquel? Rozerum seems to work most of the time on my oldest difficult child, but my middle difficult child who usually falls asleep quickly is awake all night now and my...
  16. L

    Absolutely dreading Tuesday..

    No one has said this to us, but I know in my heart if she can't bring herself to get back to class, she is pretty much done Grade 8...she will be brought work and assignments to the office, they will mark her as best they can..she will graduate, but it won't be the same... she probably won't go...
  17. M

    Medication Possibilities

    I was just wondering what possible medication combinations would work for a child diagnosed with anxiety (social, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and separation) and ADHD, AS signs and the possibility of underlying bipolar. I have to get back into the psychiatrist because the prozac just made him more oppositional and hyper so I didn't...
  18. C

    Bipolar diagnosis--Starting Lithium

    Anyone have any experience? My difficult child who is 9 was just diagnosed with Bipolar a couple days ago. The psychiatrist was very good. He wants me to get into my prim care doctor so that I can get on different medications also because paxil just doesn't seem to be working for me and I also have bipolar symptoms...
  19. B

    difficult child having hallucinations again...

    Sigh, The unit nurse informed me that difficult child has reported several instances of having visual hallucinations again. She asked if he had been on Abilify before to treat them and I said yes and it worked very well. Well, psychiatrist decided to increase his Geodon from 80mg to 120mg, then if that isn't...
  20. A

    Truely At-Wits-End

    I have been visiting this site on and off for quite awhile now and have received encouragement from afar but now, I am at a real loss. My difficult child has struggled his whole life. Last year we just wanted school to be done and over with. We had a pretty good summer with very little issues. School...