
  1. C

    Another Lovely Morning ( sarcasim) Soon Custody Battle

    I really hope we are in the right direction now with the medications and Neurologist.. still seeking Therapy for us all. Of course daughter refuses to go or get tested. I know shes under 18 and I can drag her kicking and screaming in. Their father all sudden is paying full insurance for them and still...
  2. D

    Should we kick our 16 yr old son out?

    Our son has given us trouble for years. The hardest part is when he's not in trouble, he's the sweetest, most charming and lovable kid. But he's headed down the wrong road. He's a junior in hs, been suspended 4 times since freshman year...from everything from computer tampering (disabled the...
  3. S

    adderall plus abilify?

    It's been a while since I've posted. My son was taking 10ml of abilify in the am and 5ml in the afternoon. It was in liquid form. He was also taking procentra. Both were working well until he started getting a strong dislike for any form of liquid medication. He started spitting them out. After...
  4. C

    Sons ADHD medication dosage not changed/Wild Sick child in car waiting with sick grandpa in am!!!

    appointment was yesterday and Dr kept 20mg of Vyvanse until the next appointment in 3 months! Well, its not helping him when he did take it like the 10 mg of Adderall did with his schoolwork! ( had to change cuz 10mg added more tantrums). But he did raise the Clonidine pill to 1 hole pill instead of half a...
  5. EmJay

    Is it weird that this makes me excited?

    We have our referral for Occupational Therapist (OT) for Sensory Processing! And the Dr. Changed his medicine from Adderall to Vyvanse 40mg
  6. TerryJ2

    Ack! Nasty note from teacher about difficult child

    I had just sent a mass email about difficult child's medication changes to the teachers but wouldn't you know, I accidentally left this one off the list. Sigh. I responded by telling her that is unacceptable, on or off medications, and that he would make up the work. Fingers crossed. *** Good Morning, I wanted...
  7. C

    Don't know what to do anymore

    Haven't been on this board for over a year. Nothing much have changed. our 13 years old has gotten so big in size and has been always trying to resolve issues by physical aggression. And dad is losing it and they got into a fight this afternoon. its not right for an adult to lose it with his...
  8. S

    Introducing myself

    I've been lurking on the forum for a week or so now, reading and learning. I thought it was time to introduce myself; the forum has already proved to be a huge help in our ongoing struggle to find effective treatment for our difficult child. I'm a divorced and re-married (not officially yet, lol) single...
  9. Californiablonde

    difficult child 2 and his continuing sleep problems

    Ugh, I have no idea what to do anymore. difficult child has been taking 2 mgs of Inuniv for about two weeks now. His teacher says she has seen *some* improvement so far but he still needs to be redirected throughout the day. It's better than nothing. We didn't see any improvement at all at 1 mg so some...
  10. J

    Anyone with Chlonodine exerience?

    Hello all! My daughter was diagnosed ADHD in August. Once on Metadate CD, she started having increasing agression. We stopped the medications, but she continued the defiance/agression. Psychiatrist started her on Adderall XR. She has been on for about 6 weeks now. The medications work OK to help...
  11. F

    My difficult child lives in a Bermuda Triangle

    I am starting to believe that my difficult child lives in his own personal Bermuda Triangle. From the very short distance between the house to the vehicle he will invariably lose his shoes, socks, other clothing, lunch, baseball cap, library book or some other important item needed for school or day camp...
  12. J

    How worried should I be about sleep issues?

    Hi! I'm relatively new here. I have an adopted 6 year old daughter who was recently diagnosed ADHD. She is also defiant, can be aggressive, has major meltdowns, etc. (which all started recently). My question is about sleep. My daughter slept normally until age 3- at which point she took...
  13. C

    Back from Neuroligist- he gave medications and he waiting on therapy :(

    Attention deficit disorder of childhood with hyperactivity Other Specific developmental reading disorder ( he asked if I happy with his reading I said could be a lil better and he starting title 1 tutoring- so after my sons starts he want results) Academic underachievement disorder of children...
  14. Californiablonde

    Rebound hyperactivity and it's killing me..

    So good news on the medication front. Focalin is helping difficult child 2 tremendously at school. He is producing more work than ever thought possible. His teacher is thrilled. So am a point. difficult child 2 has always been on the hyperactive side, but lately his hyperactivity is in over drive as soon as that...
  15. Jamieh

    Questions about Vyvanse

    So E has been taking Vyvanse for a few weeks. he is taking around 12-15mg every morning. It's hard to tell exactly how much because of the way it's dissolved and measured out. But most days I'm able to get his dosage pretty good and he does well on it. But it wears off after 9 hours and he is CRAZY...
  16. D

    Age 9, Pending Expellsion...?

    Brace yourself this is a long winded story... please excuse my spelling as well... i am trying to do this quickly. Good morning, I have been on this forum a few times, mostly to vent or to get advice, i find myself here as i am in need of both this time. it has been a VERY long month for my...
  17. S

    Question about Concerta

    For those of you who have or had your difficult children on Concerta what do you think of it? psychiatrist is considering adding it to difficult child's medications. We go back to see her on the 25th, and she is going to go over the teachers questionnaires, and have us fill out one as well, but thinks it may help. How long before it...
  18. Californiablonde

    CPS got called and I'm freaking out and need opinions.

    So last night I went to give difficult child her night time medications and her ulcer medication. My adderall and her main ulcer medication come in the exact same size big bottle and the capsules are both blue and very similar looking. By accident, instead of giving her the Prilosec, I gave her one of my adderalls. I...
  19. J

    difficult child got caught selling precription controlled substances over the internet.

    Ugh, My oldest daughter just got a new car, I see the sheriff's office number on my caller id, I am like is she okay? I just assumed she'd been in a wreck, well lo and behold, she say's she's okay and I have her here. To me that sounded like a prisoner. I knew then it was difficult child. Oh my, this kid...
  20. witzend

    Has anyone been following this...

    nightmare in Arkansas? This is disgusting. Vulnerable children are not political props. Someone ought to string this guy up by his family jewels, and his wife too. They let this get all the way to the conviction of...