
  1. M

    Bipolar disorder and Stimulants for ADHD Symptoms

    Little Bear is being referred to a great children's hospital in our state and we are now waiting for his appointment to their psychiatry clinic. It takes 6-8 weeks after referral to be called for an appointment. so I am trying to get all my question's together now. We have tried all kinds of medications and...
  2. T

    single mom with 8yr old ODD&ADHD daughter

    Hi Everyone: I am new to the group, and just thought I would introduce myself. I am a single mom with an 8yr old girl. She was diagnosed 2 years ago with ODD, disthymic disorder(depression), and PTSD. Just recently she was rediagnosed with ADHD as well. She is on sertraline 25mg, risperidol...
  3. A

    aggression and adhd

    Hi I am new to this forum, but recently I have been dealing with some issues that I need some help and support with and someone reccomended this site to me. My dss9 is adhd and on concerta, for two years his systems have been controled well and he has done fine in school, not all of a sudden...

    ADHD & motor tic with medications. ANYONE???

    My son is now 8, soon to be 9 in June he was diagnosed with adhd last year, his grade have been great befor starting medications. his teacher was tired of reiterating to him what to do next, also he was very hyper at home. So we tried several medications. until we stopped at Ritalin. He has had motor tics in the...
  5. G

    5 Year Old ADHD & O.D.D

    My son is 5 and has been diagnosed as adhd and o.d.d. Not only is he hyperactive but he is very aggressive and stubborn. I am finding it very difficult to get him to sleep at night and am looking for any advice to help. I am a single mother working 2 jobs and a 3rd job being taking care of my...
  6. TerryJ2

    How to tell ADHD from Anxiety?

    I've noticed this popping up in a few threads lately. How does one tell the diff between ADHD and anxiety? I know it's not cut and dried, and it's easier to tell as they get older, but are there any real hallmarks? When my son has wheat, or when the Adderal wears off, the first thing he does is...
  7. Malika

    Ritalin and impulse control

    I also belong to a French forum for parents of children with ADHD. Whereas prescribing stimulants for ADHD (Ritalin and Concerta are the only stimulants available here) is generally very poorly viewed, with a lot of hostility to it, these parents largely seem enormously in favour of stimulants...
  8. F

    I am about to walk away

    Granted I don't really mean that I am going to but living with a child who is NEVER happy is exhausting. I posted this almost exactly a year ago: He has gotten worse. He is never happy and he's usually crying and/or raging over something. He hits me, his siblings, punches walls, and he is...
  9. K

    Experience with Adderall???

    difficult child doesn't take it when there is no school. But I am seriously trying to understand. difficult child says it DOES help him. He also says, and told psychiatrist, that the Adderall puts him to sleep. It is XR, and he even takes a second dose at lunch. psychiatrist says it has that affect on some people. I thought...
  10. K

    Before Adderall; After Adderall

    My son's problems occur almost entirely at school, so I rely on his teacher's notes to determine if medication is helping. So here is one of her notes before Adderall: difficult child starts off the day in my room. He kept climbing on his chair and trying to stand on the back of it. I asked him to sit...
  11. HMBgal

    Bi Polar in an 8 year old?

    I mean, is this a thing? I've read up on it some and it's apparently a very controversial topic. My Difficult Child grandchild is still having a hard time (a recent suspension from school for physically attacking another child), refusal to do school work in school, and I don't even want to get into the...
  12. C

    Son hitting me this morning...

    because I raised my voice after 20 minutes of his non stop begging me to go out and play and go down to grandfathers house with me. I didnt yell, just raised my voice because no matter where I went he followed. So yes I was wrong but after I said "No" because my grandfather just got over that...
  13. S

    Seven year old have outbursts in class (already)

    My seven year old boy (diagnosis ADHD combined type and expressive receptive language disorder) is in a regular first grade class this year. He has had problems with behavior for years beginning in special needs preschool. Anyway, this is a new school for him, with a crowded class. I have an IEP and...
  14. jugey


    It has become completely clear that the cocktail of medication is no longer working. I'm not sure why this happened but the last 5 to 6 weeks have been just awful! difficult child is very irritable, nasty and explosive and we've had several violent and destructive episodes. We had to call the police 3...
  15. TerryJ2

    Back on Concerta ...

    It was too good to last. In fact, over a week too long. The first three days were okay, but moving on up to 2 wks, boy, oh boy, what a cranky, mean boy! Luckily, we had an appointment with-the psychiatrist yesterday, and he listened to the symptoms and the explanations (the drugs stores ran out, difficult child is always mad...
  16. Californiablonde

    psychiatrist put easy child on a very high dose of Focalin

    We saw psychiatrist yesterday because the Focalin easy child is taking doesn't seem to be as effective as it used to be. I could have sworn easy child was already on the highest possible dose of Focalin, which is 10 milligram pills twice a day. I thought psychiatrist would have to try something else with him, but instead he...
  17. U

    Round two.........

    I thought today would be better than yesterday, I was wrong. My DS had only been at school for 30 min, and I received at call for me to come pick him up. He actually left school (he is 6 yrs old). The teachers were inside the school looking for him. But he had made outside the back of the...
  18. grmac

    Adderall-Day 1

    Hello all!! Well, we finally got through all the red tape and months of evaluations etc. and to the psychiatrist. Began AdderallXR at 10mg yesterday. Tweety Bird slowed down quite a bit. Actually watched a little TV because her neighborhood friends couldn't play right away. She was more manageable and wasn't...
  19. K

    more adderall questions

    Does it get better with time? The tiredness? I ran into the counselor from elementary school who we have become close friends. She said difficult child called her last Thursday and told her how Adderall "changed his life". She said he sounded wonderful. However, I see an exhausted kid who doesn't...
  20. C

    First Dose Colinidine Last night appitite still lacks all week from adderall xr..

    Well I been trying to feed him breakfast he eats a lil or not at all. Lunch he doesnt even eat half his lunch, same with dinner is less half or none. I know this is why he feels nausua from the Adderall Xr and now the Clonidine! Im trying sooo hard to get him to eat- Im letting him eat almost...