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  • Users: maxeygirls
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  1. M

    My computer is back and so am I!

    I had to send my laptop in for repairs... again but I'm back! I'm sleep deprived, exhausted and wondering when I can start getting difficult child to apply for college :raspberry-tounge: but I'm back. We have been on ritalin for almost 3 weeks now, I don't want to start a longer term form until she gets her...
  2. M

    in-laws playing favorites?

    My in-laws have 5 grandkids; husband's son(7 years, lives with ex wife), our difficult child and easy child(almost 4 years old, 13 months old), and his sister's daughter(3 years) and new baby(6 months). We've seen the show of favoritism since difficult child was born, husband's son always got spoiled rotten during holidays and difficult child has...
  3. M

    Verdict: ADHD, ODD and sensory issues

    ...was "Hey, I understand her now!" Unfortunately he now thinks this will be a piece of cake. He's thinking once we get the magic pill she'll be *voila* normal. I guess he'll figure it out. In the meantime I appealed to him using a totally new tactic..."you know exactly what she's going through...
  4. M

    husband not handling this well...

    difficult child is now on half of her regular depakote and still stepping down gradually. She's up from 3-6am, which is a radical difference from her 24-72 hour periods of nearly no sleep while husband was deployed. The house is barricaded again, she's violent but not uncontrollable. Her evaluation with a...
  5. M

    Taking difficult child off medications, did I screw up?

    difficult child has been on Depakene (500mg/day) since July of last year, risperdal from July until April and Abilify (2mg/day) from April to now... well until a week ago actually. I had made the decision to remove difficult child from her medications for several reasons; finding out exactly who is under the medications, fears of...
  6. M

    Taking difficult child off medications, how to handle psychiatrist?

    Due to the psychiatrist's lack of response, monitoring and a da*n about difficult child we have made the decision to take her off ALL medications and have her evaluated by another facility. This decision was not an easy one and we discussed it with my parents, our friends who have seen difficult child, and even friends...
  7. M

    shocked at on-call psychiatrist's 'solution'.

    Sorry I've been absent for so long, we've been super busy and handling lots of changes. Recently we changed difficult child's medications from risperdal and depakote to abilify and a slightly higher dosage of depakote. The risperdal just wasn't working. Changing over took just under a month and we have been doing...
  8. M

    Diet for a 3 year old, pure torture

    Due to medication, difficult child is gaining weight at an alarming rate. Her psychiatrist is adjusting her medications to try to help with the appetite issue while still helping her but she has gained almost 10lbs in under 2 months. I had bought new clothes for her three weeks ago and the pants won't snap! I've cut all...
  9. M

    omega 3 supplements?

    At our appointment a month ago, difficult child's psychiatrist suggested I look into omega 3 fatty acid supplements but admitted she knew very little about how much to give her. I've tried a girlfriend/CF/dye free diet for almost a year with no difference so that was pointless but I'm not ruling out other natural ways to...
  10. M

    Please no, not a meltdown now.

    I finally got the info on when husband will be home, everything except a flight number. There was no "between _ and _" it was "this day, unsure of time." It is close enough that I had no choice but to tell difficult child. I told her yesterday and it finally hit her today. After that, I was truly tempted to lock...
  11. M

    How to handle a 'friend'?

    I have a friend who is pretty much a difficult child herself, she's asked a lot of me before but this tops the cake. I'm not sure how to handle this. I got a frantic call from her last week saying she had been involved in a situation and used me as a witness. I live in another state and I'm positive I was...
  12. M

    difficult child blew my mind.

    I can't even imagine a easy child at her age doing what she did. We went to WalMart and she wanted to walk next to the cart, ok I can handle that even if I have to chase her down it'll help her burn off energy. Although I'm prior service military and my husband is overseas I never miss a chance to thank...
  13. M

    How does easy child even stand a chance?

    Nights like these make me really worry. Dinner was spent with me restraining difficult child with one hand and my legs to avoid her hurting herself around the house, my other hand fed easy child and fed myself. At almost 10 months old, easy child has been feeding herself the same foods we eat for a couple months now but...
  14. M

    psychiatrist rescheduled for May?!

    I just realized this morning that I had a voicemail from difficult child's psychiatrist. She has to work in-patient on Monday and has to reschedule but the soonest she can see us is mid-May. Noooo. Look I know I'm cranky but lets look at why... difficult child is NOT sleeping well I'm not sleeping well between difficult child waking up 3x...
  15. M

    husband is coming home!

    I've been pretty absent around here, both of my girls have bronchiolitis, I've got bronchitis and I'm doing my best to keep easy child out of the hospital. I got an email today with a timeframe for husband's return and it's just enough time to prepare difficult child. She's already been difficult about a dress. My...
  16. M

    Preparing for husband's return

    The time has come, we have no less than two weeks and no more than 30 days before husband comes home. I won't be given an actual return date until 24-48 hours before his return. I have warned him about trying to surprise us, I know that shock and excitement with no warning would send difficult child into a...
  17. M

    Moving easy child into difficult child's room

    I've run into a bit of a pickle, my leasing office originally told me they'd work with me on the terms of my lease since husband is coming home from deployment just as the lease ended. In two years they've never treated me poorly so I expected the manager to stick to her word. At the same time I...
  18. M

    How old was your difficult child when you knew?

    I got into a discussion regarding difficult child with a couple of people who respect what is going on with us but they asked how old she was when I knew something was 'different.' When I said I could tell something was off as early as 1-2 months old they were shocked. I explained how difficult child couldn't handle...
  19. M

    difficult child and the cat

    difficult child is insanely hyper today and up to no good. It has taken me all day just to get half dressed for my run and now it's dinner time. Anyways, while I was attempting to change clothes, difficult child had to go potty so I paused to open her bathroom door for her. She decided instead to flush a washcloth and...
  20. M

    difficult child really surprising me.

    On Monday difficult child's psychiatrist increased her risperdal and by about Thursday I could tell it was starting to balance out. Friday I had to get out of the house and I've been needing some new clothes so I made a crazy decision: Take difficult child and easy child to the mall with only my Moby Wrap and single stroller as Im...